DIO News

Jincheol Kim, Chairman of DIO, won the '2021 Innovation Leader Awards’

Korea 29 Mar, 2021

Contribute to the development of the domestic medical device industry through creation and innovation
Jincheol Kim, chairman of DIO, won the grand prize in the implant industry category at the ‘2021 Innovation Leader Awards’ held at the conference center of the Federation of Korean Industries in Yeouido on the 24th.
Chairman Jincheol Kim developed the digital implant solution 'DIOnavi.' by incorporating digital technology to alleviate the inconvenience of conventional implant procedures, which was an analog method, and achieved innovation in the domestic implant industry. Since then, it has been selected in recognition of its contribution to revitalizing the Korean economy, including success in overseas markets.
Chairman Jincheol Kim said, “Currently, DIO is exporting 'DIOnavi.' to various countries such as the USA, China, and Japan, and is proving its excellence." and he said, ”We will continue to focus our efforts on providing the best digital dental solutions around the world."
Meanwhile, the ‘2021 Innovation Leader Awards' is an event co-hosted by the Current Affairs Magazine 2580 and the Korea Innovation Forum and organized by the Organizing Committee. In particular, it is well-known for a qualified committee composed of experts, professors, and journalists and selecting the final winner after about six months of rigorous and fair in-depth examination.
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