DIO News

[HOT PRODUCT] Digital Prosthetic Solution DIO Ecosystem

Korea 1 Nov, 2021

Special Promotion Success... Completion of digital dentistry
The digital prosthetic solution 'DIO Ecosystem' developed by DIO is a hot topic every day as it perfectly solves the problems of prosthetics at the dental clinic. After a long study, DIO developed a "DIO Ecosystem" that completes all workflows from scanning to design, 3D printing, and final prosthetic production in just one hour. In particular, special promotions conducted with the launch are receiving great response, and attention is focused on DIO Ecosystem.
Completion of digital dentistry
DIO Ecosystem innovatively changed the prosthetic manufacturing process, which is the core of dental care, with a digital prosthetic solution that combines digital big data accumulated over many years and AI technology. It won the hearts of customers that it can produce the optimal treatment result desired by the surgeon as it can be easily manufactured in the clinic as well as fast and precise prosthesis production. In particular, the unrivaled technology has been evaluated to have reached the pinnacle of prosthetic treatment technology, raising the satisfaction of both the operator and the patient.

‘DIO Ecosystem’ is △oral scanner ‘Medit i700’ △software ‘DIO ECO CAD’ △3D printer ‘DIO PROBO Z’ △curing machine ‘DIO PROBO Cure2’ △ new 3D printing material ‘DIOnavi-P. MAX’ and established a core lineup of digital dentistry.
First of all, ‘Medit i700’ is a wireless oral scanner that provides a comfortable medical environment, and is equipped with HD-class high-resolution camera function to show fast and accurate implementation. In addition, it is responsible for the start of digital dental treatment with various functions and high accuracy, such as diagnosing the patient's caries by fluorescent color.
‘DIO ECO CAD’ is a software that anyone can easily design the most suitable prosthesis for patients by applying AI functions, and various prostheses such as Inlay and Onlay, Single Crown, and Bridge Crown are available. In particular, the Smart Abutment Library converts Scan Adaptor and Custom Abutment scan data into separate libraries for easy and accurate implant prosthesis designs.
Next, 'DIO PROBO Z' is a 3D printer optimized for prosthetic production, which is the core of a digital prosthetic solution that produces fast and accurate prostheses. By increasing the speed by 16% with improved engine power, the prosthetic output process was maximized, and the precision of all sections of the printout was within ±50㎛, showing a different level of output precision. In addition to performance improvement, an intuitive UI and touch screen for user convenience enable easy and quick output of results.
'DIO PROBO Cure2' is a curing machine that does effective curing in a short time. Equipped with a powerful 405nm wavelength LED light source and a simultaneous upper and lower irradiation system, it improves the light uniformity of the irradiated surface to realize the best curing quality.
Finally, ‘DIOnavi-P. MAX’ is a new medical polymer material that can be used for various indications and boasts the highest level of prosthesis durability. Hybrid nanotechnology that matches the combination of materials and conditions has secured high-quality output stability, and above all, it further enhances the completeness of the prosthesis by implementing aesthetics with various tooth shade expressions along with prosthetic design optimized for patient oral conditions.
We can minimize the cost burden and do digital treatment properly
Although it is a lineup that can create digital dentistry like this, using all of the expensive digital equipment was bound to be a burden. Until now, many dentists have also felt the need to introduce digital treatment, but have hesitated due to high costs. In response, DIO launched a DIO Ecosystem promotion that allows digital equipment to be introduced at once in September.
The introduction of monthly service fees instead of the burdensome initial investment cost attracted the attention of dentists by minimizing the cost burden, and as a result, promotion event held only for a limited period of time were sold out. In addition, the fact that prosthesis can be easily manufactured by in-house production and that reasonable choices can be made depending on the current status of equipment held in the dentist with various package configurations contributed to the popularity.
Director of DIO’s Marketing Team Mr. Yong-young Lee said, "DIO Ecosystem has successfully settled in the prosthetic market with a lot of attention upon its launch," he said adding, "We will focus all our capabilities on leading the prosthetic market in the future, led by DIO Ecosystem."
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