Evolutionary DIOnavi.Full Arch

for Edentulous Patients

The world’s first fully digital full arch solution,
‘DIOnavi. Full Arch’

The newly launched ‘DIOnavi. Full Arch’ was successfully introduced in Taiwan, Australia, India, the U.S., China and in Korea last June, grabbing the attention of clinical practitioners worldwide.

The DIOnavi. Full Arch solution is the world’s first fully digitalized workflow from start to finish. From scanning the dentures of edentulous patients, planning, guide fabrication, surgery and final prosthesis, every step of the process is digital. The vertical dimension and occlusion data can be conveniently acquired by scanning the patient’s existing denture or by using wax dentures, a proprietary product developed by DIO Implant.

This solution can also mitigate difficulties and discrepancies from intraoral scanning frequently observed in edentulous cases. Pre-planned and 3D printed temporary prosthesis can be loaded immediately and the screw-retained final prosthesis can also be immediately designed by scanning the immediate prosthesis via a CAD program.

A fully digitized full arch workflow not only reduces chair time but also reduces number of visits to the clinic to 3-4 times in total. There are no complex impression taking or prosthesis fabrication process involved. In the end, a final prosthesis is rapidly, accurately and easily made.


DIOnavi. Full Arch?



DIOnavi. Full Arch is available.


Work flow

DIOnavi. Full Arch & Working days

[ VIDEO ] Full Arch Process