DIO International MeetingDIM 2023 10.21 - 10.22, 2023
Busan, Republic of Korea



치의학 산업이 디지털 기술로의 대전환 시대를 맞이한 현재,
치과 진료의 모든 분야에서 ‘디지털 기술’을 접목한 디지털 치과 진료로
디지털 덴티스트리를 선도하고 있는 디오!

디오가 오는 10월 21~22일, 전 세계에 계신 여러분들과 함께
치의학 산업의 최신 지견과 동향, 학술 정보를 교류할 수 있는 세계 최고의 디지털 덴티스트리 심포지엄
‘DIO International Meeting 2023’을 개최합니다.

올해로 11회를 맞이해 더 다양하고 풍성한 프로그램으로
여러분 곁을 찾아갈 세계 유일의 디지털 덴티스트리 축제!

대한민국 부산의 아름다운 풍경과 함께
디지털 치과 진료의 새로운 패러다임과 다양한 네트워크를 다질 수 있는 기회를 마음껏 즐겨보세요!

Founder & Chairman 김진철

Event Schedule

Oct 21

디오 본사
Welcome Party
영화의 전당

Oct 22

Gala Dinner
영화의 전당


Time Nation Speaker Topics
13:30 ~ 13:50 KOREA Opening
13:50 ~ 14:00 KOREA Founder & Chairman, DIO
Jincheol Kim
Welcome Speech
14:00 ~ 14:40 USA Dr. Riley Clark Evolution of Digital Implant, DIOnavi.
14:40 ~ 15:10 CZECH Dr. Martin Tomeček Guided surgery provides exact 3D implant positioning :
the key for periimplant soft tissue stability and reconstruction
15:10 ~ 15:40 Coffee Break
15:40 ~ 16:10 IRAN Dr. Omid Mashouf M. Clinical application of Computer-assisted Implant Surgery
16:10 ~ 16:40 INDIA Dr. Tarun Kumar Super hydrophilic Implant surface in compromised bone conditions
16:40 ~ 17:10 PORTUGAL Dr. Salomão Rocha Advance surgery for management of large bone defects
17:30 ~ Welcome Party


Dr. Riley Clark

14:00 ~ 14:40
Evolution of Digital Implant, DIOnavi.

Dr. Clark has devoted his entire career to mastering dental implantology.

  • An in-depth discussion on how digital technology increases efficiencies and clinical outcomes
  • Discover how a digitally-guided implant workflow reduces chair time and ensures accurate placement
  • See how digital technology makes it less stressful for the practitioner and the patient during advanced treatments such as sinus augmentations and full arch rehabilitations

Dr. Martin Tomeček

14:40 ~ 15:10
Guided surgery provides exact 3D implant positioning
: the key for periimplant soft tissue stability and reconstruction

Mistakes in implant position are the most frequent reasons of soft tissue esthetic failures.
Soft tissue conditioning is the function of emergence profile and prosthetic components, however, these are fully dependent on correct implant 3D placement.
Therefore, guided surgery gives the implantologist the very powerful device of reverse planning. This begins with the prosthetic clinical crown and soft tissue reconstruction plan, followed by emergence profile design and exact implant placement at the end. The lecture will describe the fully digital protocol for this clinical concept.

Dr. Omid Mashouf M.

15:40 ~ 16:10
Clinical application of Computer-assisted Implant Surgery

Precision in planning and performance of surgical procedure is the key for assured success rate in implant surgery. This can be accomplished with the aid of computer tomography scan, 3D digital implant planning software, and with the fabricated computer designed templates. In this lecture, various types of surgical templates, classifications and step by step procedures, will be presented and discussed its evidence-based clinical applications.

Dr. Tarun Kumar

16:10 ~ 16:40
Super hydrophilic Implant surface in compromised bone conditions

Most of the implant surfaces today available is Hydrophobic with reduced Interaction with the body fluids and the oestrogenic cells. Most studies have found that Hydrophilic surfaces enhance wettability with blood and plasma proteins and subsequently increased cell proliferation and differentiation. This lecture covers the use of UV activated superhydrophilic Implant in various compromised bone conditions and enhanced Bone healing in grafted Bone, Osteoporotic bone and Diabetic patients.

Dr. Salomão Rocha

16:40 ~ 17:10
Advance surgery for management of large bone defects

The stability of peri-implant tissue is essential for the long-term success of dental implants. Soft tissue height and crestal bone thickness are two critical factors for the peri-implant tissue stabilization.
In the presence of atrophic bone ridges, it is necessary to increase bone volume using regenerative techniques, either before or simultaneously with implant placement. As well as ensuring sufficient soft tissue height to create a protective barrier to the underlying bone. The use of surgical guides makes it more predictable the implant placement in a prosthetic and biologically ideal position. Different techniques can be used to increase the volume of the alveolar crest such as horizontal bone distraction, guided bone regeneration, maxillary sinus elevation, using autografts and/or xenografts. In this presentation the author intends to approach different regenerative techniques with the documentation of clinical procedures step by step, giving special focus on digital planning and guided surgery


DIO International Meeting 2023을 기념하는
Welcome Party에 여러분을 초대합니다.
영화의 전당에서 펼쳐지는 아름다운 하모니와 함께 부산의 밤을 마음껏 즐겨보세요!
이어 둘째 날 펼쳐지는 GALA Dinner에서는
전 세계를 웃긴 넌버벌 코미디 그룹 옹알스의 코미디 공연부터
태권도와 K팝의 만남으로 화제를 모은 K 타이거즈의 공연
DJ 플럼의 화려한 디제잉까지 다채로운 프로그램들이 여러분들을 기다리고 있습니다.



DJ 플럼

DIM 2023이 개최되는 부산은
산과 바다, 문화와 음식 모든 관광자원들이 조화를 이뤄
여행객들에게 가치를 제공하는 아름다운 도시입니다.

해운대 해수욕장
관광객들의 필수코스
부산을 대표하는 바다
오시리아 관광단지
롯데월드 어드벤쳐부터 스카이라인 루지, 해안산책로, 해동용궁사 등
재미와 휴식을 동시에 느낄 수 있는 관광단지

용두산 공원
매력적인 부산의 전망을 한눈에 볼 수 있는
대표 랜드마크